Request for cursors

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Joined: Fri Jul 21, 2023 2:25 pm

Request for cursors

Post by IWantItAll »

Hi, Great app very useful

I'm using it to look at data from an oscilloscope so I have 4 channels of data and a time base for the x-axis. It would be great to have some cursors like on an oscilloscope so that you can place one along the X lining it up with some event and then place the other one and get the delta. It would ideally use whatever numbers are set on the x axis or just count points if no x axis is set.

alternatively just displaying delta x when using the selection tool would be great.

If there is already a way to do this then sorry in advance.

Keep up the good work!
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Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2019 1:05 pm

Re: Request for cursors

Post by Waveworks »

Hello and thank you for your kind words! A second cursor is one of the most common feature requests, so I'll bump it up a bit on my TODO list. For now, maybe it helps you to notice that if you first select some samples with the selection tool, then click any variable in the variable list, you will see some statistics below the plots. One of these statistics is count, which is the number of selected samples - or in other words, delta x where x is the sample index. I understand that if you have a timestamp variable, you would rather like to see the difference between the last and the first selected timestamp, but unfortunately this is currently not possible.

Best regards,
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