Request: open a file used by another process

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Request: open a file used by another process

Post by Rob »


First thank you, very good software, saving me loads of time already. Excel was so slow and cumbersome, this just works fast and well with minimal set-up.
I am using this in FDS (Fire dynamics simulator) and the simulations can take up to weeks. I was hoping for a software that can look in the outputted CSV file while the simulation is running. So I can see how the simulation is progressing. But Flow will not allow me to open the file that is locked by another process.
Would it be possible to make mode where the software can display a file, but not write to it. And that the refresh option works still, or maybe only when I request it to refresh?
The workaround I have at the moment, is that I go into the folder, quickly ctrl-c and ctrl-v the csv file, then open the copy. But then I have to redo that each time I want to "refresh" the results.

Thank you.
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Re: Request: open a file used by another process

Post by Waveworks »

Hi Rob, thanks for the feedback, glad it's useful!

I actually thought this was possible already. Flow always opens the files read-only and closes them immediately after loading, and I know of several users who use Flow exactly the way you describe it. What exactly is the error message that you get?

If the operating system doesn't allow Flow to open the file, I'm afraid I can't do anything about it. On the other hand, if you can copy the file with Explorer as you describe it, this means the file is available for reading, so it's a bit of a mystery. I'll check if it's a matter of timing - the file is only intermittently unavailable - and if Flow can wait a bit for the file to become available.

Best regards,
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Re: Request: open a file used by another process

Post by Rob »

Hello Gustaf,

I get the error.
"could not open xxx.csv. Der Prozess kann nicht auf die Datei D:\xxx.csv zugreifen, da sie von einem anderem Prozess verwendet wird" which I assume would be "The process cannot access the file D:\xxx.csv because it is being used by another process" in english.

Using windows, and file is on same machine, not over network. Also, it never ever manages to open the file.

With the software that is creating the file FDS, I do know that excel can access the file while FDS is running. But occasionally, like once every few hundred attempts or so, it seemed that excel doing this would interfere and cause FDS to crash. Maybe that spreads some light on how FDS writes to the file.
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Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2019 1:05 pm

Re: Request: open a file used by another process

Post by Waveworks »

Ok I see - I'll investigate this and see what I can do. Thanks for the heads-up and the additional information!

Best regards,
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