Column type is recongnized incorrectly

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Column type is recongnized incorrectly

Post by gcorsair »

I have the following csv

Code: Select all

and third column is recognized as string. I could not find, how I could change the type manually.

Would it be possible to have possibility to change type manually or to accept inf, -inf and NaN as float value?
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Re: Column type is recongnized incorrectly

Post by Waveworks »

Thank you for taking the time to report this problem! I will fix it for the next version.

If you have Flow CSV Editor (the paid version), you can change the type manually by right-clicking the variable, select Redefine... and enter inVoltageIn1_mean_float32 = float(inVoltageIn1_mean_float32). If not, you can still add a formula that converts your string variable to a float, for example v = float(inVoltageIn1_mean_float32), but it will be a separate variable. I understand it's not an ideal solution, but hopefully it helps you while waiting for the next version.

Best regards,
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Re: Column type is recongnized incorrectly

Post by gcorsair »

Thank you Gustaf! I do have Flow CSV Editor, but couldn't figure out the trick with redefine. Neat workaround.

I have some other problems and maybe you know the workaround for them too?

1) Unfortunately the column names in my CSVs are abc[serial].property_name. This cannot be used in formula (because [] are understood as array index?).
So now I have to rename the column and only then create a formula for it. That's not a big deal if I had to do it once. But when new file is generated, I have to repeat the steps again.
My wish would be that the Editor remembers what columns were renamed and kept the new names when new file is loaded (same way it keeps the grouping and colors). But maybe there is a trick for that too?

2) Every time I load new file I have to remove type and value columns. If they are shown I do not see the full name of properties.

3) What is a "project" and how to use it? What does "Save formulas with project" do?

I work almost daily with files bigger than 500mb and really impressed by performance. Sometimes I have files >2 GB and the program has no problems with them too. Thank you very much for the Flow CSV Editor!
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Re: Column type is recongnized incorrectly

Post by Waveworks »

Hello again!

1) You're in luck - your column actually already has a variable identifier that you can use in formulas without any renaming. Unfortunately it's a bit hard to see in the current version: You need to enable Messages in the View menu, and then you need to enable "Warn for invalid variable names" in the Preferences under the CSV Import tab. Now when you open your CSV file with a column name like abc[serial].property_name, a message will be printed in the Message view informing you about its variable identifier (in this case abcserial_property_name). I'll make the identifier a bit more visible in the next version.

2) Yes you're right, these settings aren't saved in the current version, and I'm afraid there is no workaround. I'll fix this too.

3) A project is simply a collection of CSV files and their formulas. If you add a CSV file to the project, enter a formula and save the project, the formula will be stored in the project file. You can hear my beautiful voice explain this in a video tutorial: In the Help menu, select Video Tutorials, select the Flow CSV Viewer video tutorial and wind to the 9 minute mark.

Thank you for the kind words - it's always heartwarming to know that users are happily using Flow around the world!

Best regards,
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