Increse the maximum bonds of the array

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Increse the maximum bonds of the array

Post by Akhilesh »

please think about limiting the limitation of vounds of the array as it is not allowing to import large dataset hence the whole purpose of CSV data analysis is defeted. Also it will e good to doument the current limitations of the tool.
error message
error message
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Re: Increse the maximum bonds of the array

Post by Waveworks »

Hello Akhilesh and thank you for taking the time to report this problem. This error should not occur regardless of the file size, so this is a bug that I didn't know about. It may be unrelated to the file size and caused by something else. Can you please tell me how large the file is (in MB/GB) and how many rows and columns it has?

The application itself doesn't limit the size of the data file that can be loaded (or at least, it shouldn't). The limitation depends primarily on the computer's memory, and if the computer runs out of memory, the error message is different from the one you got.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

Best regards,
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