scaling, store/recall views, colors ...

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scaling, store/recall views, colors ...

Post by LetItFlow »


First of all, thank you for your already amazing and very useful tool. I wish I would have found it earlier !

For my interests to observe control logs including relations and interdependancies of values, there would be some handsome features when using a lot of variables:

- The option to have a selectable column (like variable, type, unit, display) to scale the drawn graphs. Displayed values of the variable should not be affected. Simple example: comparing RPM behavior (some 1000) to internal regulation values (float ~1.0) to PWM control (%). RPM is displayed fine, having other values rel. flat to zero.

I know the option to use Formulas, that leads to a lot of typing "duplicate" names and clarity of variables gets lost.

Another option to use seperate graph groups with different auto-scaling decreases clarity of variable relations when having some of them.

- Beeing able to store and recall different view settings including grouping, formulas and enabled displays

- More and brighter colors to choose for graphs

Hope these wishes/ suggestions are not too delicate, please tell me if they might be considered in your next release.

Kind regards, Alex
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Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2019 1:05 pm

Re: scaling, store/recall views, colors ...

Post by Waveworks »

Hello Alex, thank you for you kind words, I'm glad you find it useful!

I understand your problem with comparing plots at different scales. As you say, formulas allow you to define a scaled copy of a variable, but isn't ideal for this. There should be some kind of purely graphical scaling. I'll see what I can come up with.

You should be able to store both formulas and view settings if you add your CSV files to a project. The formulas and view settings will then be stored in the project file. In Preferences under the General tab, you should enable Save variable view settings with project. Let me know if this solves your problem!

And yes, more options for color (and also line thickness) is definitely on my list, possibly already for the next version.

Thanks for taking the time to provide feedback!

Best regards,
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:58 am

Re: scaling, store/recall views, colors ...

Post by LetItFlow »

Hello Gustaf,

thanks for your quick reply and your will to consider additional features !

I tried some settings with diverse CSVs, different in length but with same colum count and variable names. Storing groups and formulas works fine for a single CSV when added to a project, exiting and reopening shows all groups and formulas as arranged before. But when opening another Logfile that needs the same inspection, by adding it to the project or just dragging it into FlowCSV, grouping is displayed fine but formulas are lost. They are just showing up again when reopening the CSV the project got created with, but only within this CSV.

Did I get your description wrong ?

Kind regards, Alex
Posts: 176
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2019 1:05 pm

Re: scaling, store/recall views, colors ...

Post by Waveworks »

Hello again,

I see what you mean. Yes, formulas and view settings (with view settings I mean things like grouping, colors etc.) are only individually stored for each CSV file in the project. This means that if you add formulas and set up the view for one CSV file in the project, close the file and then open the same file again, the formulas and settings are retained; however, they don't carry over to any other files - exactly as you describe. The reason it seems to work anyway for view settings specifically is another mechanism, where Flow tries to set up the view for opened files based on what you did previously with other files. For formulas, I'm afraid you'll have to add the formulas manually for each file for now.

So I guess what you need is either a way to copy formulas and view settings from one file to another, or optionally a way to store formulas and view settings as independent entities that can be stored and recalled from and to any CSV file. I'll give it a thought!

Best regards,
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:58 am

Re: scaling, store/recall views, colors ...

Post by LetItFlow »

Hello Gustaf,

Thanks for your description and for considering some new features :)

Kind regards, Alex
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