Fisrt of all many congratulation for this tool (flow CSV viewer). I just start to test it and seems really nice!
I have anyway a request. Is it possible to add the option of black background color for graphic windows?
I am user of some another data acquisition system and my point of view is that with black background is better for color contrast and less stress for eyes.
This, may be, will need also increase or change the color line choice for some more "lighting" colors.
Thanks in advance and, one more time, congratulations.
Best regards
Background color option
Re: Background color option
Hello Thierry and thank you for your kind words! Yes that's a good idea, and I think more users would appreciate it. I'm planning to give the user more control over the visual settings in a future version, so this request fits well into these plans.
Best regards,
Best regards,
Re: Background color option
Hi Gustaf,
Thanks a lot. I will check periodicaly for any update.
Thanks a lot. I will check periodicaly for any update.
Re: Background color option
Hi Gustaf,
I have another feedback. This one is more complex to do (may be).
The X scale is only line number. This discard any time scale in case of acyclic datas.
I have some files where first column is "Time" data (ex, in s with 3 decimals).
Do you think complex to add any selection option as "First column as time scale"?
If you want more details, please contact me by email and I will explain you more regard the final use.
Also I can send you some data samples.
But the more urgent is final of 2021.
I wish you a merry Chrstmas.
Best regards
I have another feedback. This one is more complex to do (may be).
The X scale is only line number. This discard any time scale in case of acyclic datas.
I have some files where first column is "Time" data (ex, in s with 3 decimals).
Do you think complex to add any selection option as "First column as time scale"?
If you want more details, please contact me by email and I will explain you more regard the final use.
Also I can send you some data samples.
But the more urgent is final of 2021.
I wish you a merry Chrstmas.
Best regards
Re: Background color option
Hi again,
I just found a post about this function.
I have dowloaded and install the 1.1b version founded in this post.
I will test it.
Best regards
I just found a post about this function.
I have dowloaded and install the 1.1b version founded in this post.
I will test it.
Best regards
Re: Background color option
Hello again Thierry,
I'm sorry but 1.1b was just the beta test version before the final 1.1 release that you probably already have, and it doesn't have what you're asking for. Plotting data against a time variable (or any x axis variable for that matter) is by far the most requested feature, and you will find several users asking for the same thing in various threads throughout this forum (for example here). It's in the pipeline and expected to be included in version 1.2 to be released some time during 2022.
Best regards,
I'm sorry but 1.1b was just the beta test version before the final 1.1 release that you probably already have, and it doesn't have what you're asking for. Plotting data against a time variable (or any x axis variable for that matter) is by far the most requested feature, and you will find several users asking for the same thing in various threads throughout this forum (for example here). It's in the pipeline and expected to be included in version 1.2 to be released some time during 2022.
Best regards,
Re: Background color option
Hi Gustaf,
I would like to know if you follow plan to add Graph back ground color setup and, more importante, to manage X scale with no constant values (as acyclique sample time)?
I don't saw this topics on the release note.
I would like to know if you follow plan to add Graph back ground color setup and, more importante, to manage X scale with no constant values (as acyclique sample time)?
I don't saw this topics on the release note.
Re: Background color option
Hello again Thierry,
This is still indeed the plan, yes. Unfortunately it's a huge job because I basically need to rewrite the whole plotting component. Therefore I can't give you an estimate of when it will be released, other than that the plan is still that it will be released some time later during 2022.
Hope you can hold on until then!
Best regards,
This is still indeed the plan, yes. Unfortunately it's a huge job because I basically need to rewrite the whole plotting component. Therefore I can't give you an estimate of when it will be released, other than that the plan is still that it will be released some time later during 2022.
Hope you can hold on until then!

Best regards,